What my clients say…
“I went into working with Dutch not knowing what to expect. I love his style, but finding clothes that fit me-- and I like-- has always been hard. Turns out, I just didn't know what I needed and Dutch helped me find that! I told him that I would try whatever he chose for me and that was eye-opening. He pulled things that I liked and things that I didn't really like... but told him I would try. Turns out, the things I didn't like were some of my favorite items! Thanks to Dutch, I can now "shop" my closet knowing that I love everything in there-- I love how it fits, I love how it looks, and I love how it makes me feel.” - Jenna
“Working with Dutch is difficult to put into few words because the experience is all-encompassing. I gave him free rein to pull styles I may or may not have thought of; as I tried on each item, we discussed why it did or didn’t work on my body (just trust him — even if the color isn’t what you want — try on the clothes so he can break down all the elements for you). Dutch gave me a great understanding of what to specifically look for in the future as I shop, but he also gave me a lot of confidence in who I am and how to appreciate the body I have. I walked away with clothes that I felt really excited about and happy to wear. Dutch’s energy is contagious and his fashion/style knowledge is unmatched. He will build you up, help you feel amazing, and I guarantee you’ll find pieces for your wardrobe you feel like a million bucks wearing.” - Magan
“I’ve never been comfortable going shopping for clothes. Within minutes of going into a store I felt overwhelmed at all the choices and had no idea where to begin. Dutch took all that fear and frustration away in just a couple meetups. The consult s the room build-out helped me figure out my style and how to find and put it together. I have now started enjoying looking for things and figuring out how to put pair them up with what I have. Clarity brings freedom, thank so much Dutch!” - Dustyn